Atlin Lake Reflection by Lyndsay Esson Photography
Trustees 2021
Under the Letters Patent the Atlin Community Improvement District (ACID) is governed by a board of seven (7) trustees.
Currently the trustees are:
Annette Giesbrecht 2022-2025
Robert Smallwood 2021-2024
Christine Kelly 2020-2023
Jeremy Lancaster 2020-2023
Connie Morris 2020-2023
Trustees normally serve a three year term and are elected to office by the landowners at the Annual General Meeting. If, however, a trustee resigns before the full three year term is finished, a newly voted in trustee serves only the remainder of the original trustee's term.
Role of ACID Trustees
Trustees have several roles including that of community representative, steward of a public service, policy-maker and law-maker.
Board Meetings
The Board of trustees normally meet at the Fire Hall (2nd Street & Pearl Avenue) on the second Tuesday of every month from 7:00-9:00 pm and are open to the public. During Covid-19 rules and restrictions the meetings have been held at the Atlin Recreation Center to allow for more spacing between board members. These meetings have not been open to the public due to Covid-19 restrictions, however, the restrictions were lifted in July 2021. The meetings will remain at the Recreation Center until further notice..
Trustee Eligibility
To be a trustee for the ACID all of the following criteria must be met:
- A landowner within the Atlin Community Improvement District,
- A Canadian Citizen,
- Eighteen years of age or older,
- A resident of British Columbia for the previous six months.
Trustee Honorarium
Trustees receive an honorarium of $100.00 for each regular monthly board meeting they attend. The honorarium is set by the landowners at the Annual General Meeting.
Annual General Meeting 2021
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the ACID will be held on October 11, 2021. The regular monthly board meeting will immediately follow the AGM.
Currently the trustees are:
Annette Giesbrecht 2022-2025
Robert Smallwood 2021-2024
Christine Kelly 2020-2023
Jeremy Lancaster 2020-2023
Connie Morris 2020-2023
Trustees normally serve a three year term and are elected to office by the landowners at the Annual General Meeting. If, however, a trustee resigns before the full three year term is finished, a newly voted in trustee serves only the remainder of the original trustee's term.
Role of ACID Trustees
Trustees have several roles including that of community representative, steward of a public service, policy-maker and law-maker.
Board Meetings
The Board of trustees normally meet at the Fire Hall (2nd Street & Pearl Avenue) on the second Tuesday of every month from 7:00-9:00 pm and are open to the public. During Covid-19 rules and restrictions the meetings have been held at the Atlin Recreation Center to allow for more spacing between board members. These meetings have not been open to the public due to Covid-19 restrictions, however, the restrictions were lifted in July 2021. The meetings will remain at the Recreation Center until further notice..
Trustee Eligibility
To be a trustee for the ACID all of the following criteria must be met:
- A landowner within the Atlin Community Improvement District,
- A Canadian Citizen,
- Eighteen years of age or older,
- A resident of British Columbia for the previous six months.
Trustee Honorarium
Trustees receive an honorarium of $100.00 for each regular monthly board meeting they attend. The honorarium is set by the landowners at the Annual General Meeting.
Annual General Meeting 2021
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the ACID will be held on October 11, 2021. The regular monthly board meeting will immediately follow the AGM.